Naive dreams


On this day we were living my dream.

At every stage of life we have dreams that we don't give much thought to, and that don't move us forward in life, like ambitions to become someone important in a profession, to be popular, or financially independent. 

They are just innocent dreams that you share with close friends in particularly warm and frank moments - "It would be cool to take a car and go for a two weeks trip driving down south along the west coast." Even if something like that happens to you, life will return to its usual course after that, and two weeks of freedom and the ocean will again be replaced by work and episodes in the Parisian subway.

And even though it's unlikely to change your life, it's worth dreaming about. And it is worth the effort to make such dreams come true. Because it’s beautiful, parce que c’est beau. Even if your whole life would consist of sitting in offices and working for big inhuman corporations, there will be a moment of two weeks, when you were young and free of obligations, and you were swimming in the ocean with close friends.

To me, such a naive dream lately sounded like "rent a small house with a fireplace in the middle of the woods in winter and spend long evenings with friends listening to the music on vinyl, drinking good whiskey and covering ourselves with warm plaids."

The interesting thing about these dreams is that it's easy to miss the moment when they come.

Because we think that while sipping whiskey in front of the fireplace or picking out a training surf for the first time in our lives, we will feel incredibly blissful, carefree, and enjoy the moment with such intensity that it will be recorded if not in human history, then definitely in our family history.

But that will not be the case. We will think about the imperfection of our relationships, lack of money, and dissatisfaction with the  profession we chose. And behind this veil, the fact that fate has finally given us these friends, a glass of whiskey, a fireplace, and a plaid will go unnoticed.

But this time I noticed it. You can see it in my face.

After weeks of confinement with friends and hard remote work, we got out together for a walk on the hills not far from home. Our faithful dog was with us. We were young, free, and, I even believe that happy.

I don't know how many moments like that I've passed by in my life. But this one will stay with me.

Also on this day:


Secret Garden


Heart of the party