

On this day I was having some good time in the Orangery Museum. I came to visit the exhibition of De Chirico, Italian painter,  and at the same time to take some pictures of the museum itself and its visitors.

Besides the two oval halls with Nympheas of Monet, there was another place in the museum that caught my attention. 

The entrance to the oval hall was in itself a work of art of minimalism. White walls and perfect lines were an ideal frame for photography. All that remained was to add a little life to it.

I settled down comfortably in front of the entrance and for 5 minutes was taking pictures of the  passing through visitors.

These two Asian girls turned out to be very charismatic. Both have noticed me and were looking directly at the objective of the camera. The white masks concealing faces and the lack of any details on the white walls distinguish their gases, making them the main plot of this photo.

It is difficult to say with what emotion the eyes on the right look at me. We can only say that there is definitely some interest in them. 

The eyes on the left are clearly smiling. Perhaps, this is because the girl herself is interested in photography, which can be understood by the camera in her hands.

Both figures are frozen in a half-step, obeying the white path sign on the floor. This small element, along with masks, tells us about the third, hidden hero of this photo.

As in many pictures of this period, the indispensable hero, which can be recognized by details, is Covid.

Also on this day:


Anna’s portrait

