Scooter trinity


On this day I dedicated my time to photography. Having reached the center by my new bike, I decided to walk along the rue des Archives to visit for the first time the foundation of Henri Cartier Bresson, one of the forefathers of street photography, and then return to La Seine along rue du Temple. Isn’t that a typical Sunday of a Parisian photographer?

Inspired by the exhibition and a coincidental acquaintance with one Parisian film director, I wandered the streets of my city and photographed everything that seemed beautiful to me.

The only limit was my embarrassment. I still can't get over the fear of confrontation with people in the street while taking photos. That's why many of the characters of my pictures are taken from back. Sometimes the heroes of my photo stories still notice me (as this very grumpy dog or embarrassed goalkeeper in the pictures below), but so far I have managed to avoid conflict situations.

Photographing children is a particularly sensitive topic. A stranger in black coat taking pictures of your child on the street is not the most reassuring situation in the modern world. That is why I photograph children rarely.

However this time I decided to take a risk. In the distance, I saw a company of children of 12 years old with scooters. They were very much absorbed by their boyish conversation and did not pay much attention to others. Still, I pretended that I was taking pictures of the beautiful City Hall in the background. It was only by lowering the camera that I released the shutter, adding this Tom Sawyer scene in my collection.

*one photo below is by Sergio Larrain

Also on this day:


Gare Massy-Palaiseau

